Career Advice

Protecting Yourself Against Employment Scams

With nearly half of all Canadians being targeted by fraudulent activity last year, it’s not surprising that scammers have taken to preying on job seekers in an already difficult market. It’s more important now than ever to be able to recognize and protect yourself from potential scams and fraud.

As AI becomes more readily available, online and phone scams become more convincing. While the majority of us know the basics of protecting ourselves online, the technology associated with fraudulent activity is improving faster than some people can keep up. Especially during a job search, it can be tempting to assume the best when you receive an exciting opportunity or offer, but it’s important to remember that not every opportunity is legitimate. Due to the prevalence of these scams, recruitment agencies have become well-versed in identifying and weeding out suspicious offers. Here are our top tips to help protect yourself in your job search:

1. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is

Scammers typically prey on people in vulnerable situations when identifying potential targets. Due to an unstable labour market, cost of living crisis, and difficult economic circumstances, people in active job searches can be an easy target for fraudulent activity. Scammers know that looking for work can be a tiresome and disheartening process, and by delivering too-good-to-be-true offers, they attempt to catch people who would otherwise be able to identify a scam in a moment of weakness. Remember, if someone reaches out to you with an offer for a job with extremely high pay for little work, unrealistic flexibility, job offers without an interview, or an upfront bonus without signing, it’s worth doing some extra due diligence to verify the details before engaging further.

2. Be wary of requests for money, wire transfer, or application fees

While there is some international debate about charging job application fees (and there are some places in the world where this is the norm), no one is authorized to charge a fee for job applications in British Columbia. This applies to B.C. residents and temporary foreign workers – if a company requires an application fee, it’s best to walk away. The same goes for wire transfer requests, signing fees, or charging you for credit or background checks. Reputable companies will pay overhead for the fees incurred during the hiring process, and job seekers should be wary of anyone who tries to charge them to be an employee.

3. Verify suspicious recruitment communications

We’re seeing more and more scams involving impersonating recruiters, and it’s important to be aware of the differences in communication between a real recruiter and someone pretending to be one. Most recruitment scams involve a text message about a job that you most likely didn’t apply for, but be careful – some scammers may reference a job that actually exists online, so if you have a bad feeling about something, it’s always best to verify the identity of the person you’re talking to. The majority of reputable recruiters will not send their first communication over text, and will instead message you on LinkedIn, email you from an address associated with a real firm, or call you from local number.

If you’re ever unsure if the person you’re talking to is a real recruiter, don’t be afraid to check their identity by connecting with them on LinkedIn, cross referencing the email address they’re communicating from with the URL of the agency, or simply calling or emailing the contacts listed on their agency’s website. Real recruiters are aware of the prevalence of these scams and will be happy to provide the information you request. If someone gets angry or hostile with you for wanting to validate the legitimacy of a job posting or verify their identity, it’s usually not a good sign.

4. Don’t give out personal information upfront

It’s part of the process to give out personal info during your search, but things like your social security number, copies of ID, and tax information should be withheld until you’ve met the hiring team and have a contract in front of you.

Posted by Emily Couves in Best Practices, Career Advice

How to Find Meaning in Your Work

Although there is no such thing as a meaningless job, there can be times when one’s job appears to have lost that spark. Why is your job not as fulfilling as the beginning? There is much more to it than just the nature of the job. Job hunters look for new opportunities for different reasons. Some candidates are ready for a new career move, some are always looking for a challenge and others are looking for a meaningful change.

If you are starting a role or feel like you lack a sense of purpose at work, here are some prompts to find meaning in what you do.

Keep your brain active

When our job duties are predictable and repetitive, our brains receive little stimulation. For those who are always looking for a challenge, once they have mastered a job, they might feel stuck. There may be a sense that they aren’t learning anymore, or just not growing professionally.

You must keep your brain active and be open to learning new techniques and learning from others. A good way to do this is to try reframing your job. Find potential improvements in current processes. Help others who started just like you. Try to expand your knowledge by talking to others in the industry. Look beyond your job duties.

Communicate your concerns

If your job is not what you expected, you are not alone. It is common for a job to mismatch your expectations over time. An open conversation with your recruiter or your supervisor can help you find ways to make you feel comfortable again. Communication is key. Your input is valuable, and it might not only help you find meaning in what you do, but help others as well.

Think bigger

Consider where a job might take you in the long term. Instant rewards tend to be easily forgotten, but good things take time.

It is also important to celebrate small wins, such as the projects you have completed. Think about that time when you helped a colleague, the deadlines you manage to meet, and how much you have grown. Give yourself the recognition you deserve.

Explore a full career change

It is important to identify what is making you feel like you are missing something. Is it the workplace? The job itself or personal matters? Take your time to explore your interest, core values, skills, and the work environments you enjoy.


Don’t be afraid to look for a new job if you’re lacking meaning in your career. Send out resumes, get in touch with recruiters, and reach out to your network. These actions can help you find potential jobs that can match your skills while giving you a fresh start or the opportunity to work in a company you’ve always dreamed of. How do you find meaning in your work? Let us know on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Posted by Diana Macias Cholac in Career Advice

Balancing Your Work & Personal Life

Everyone desires a good balance between their work and personal lives. But there are only so many hours in a day to accomplish the things you want to, and between working hard, spending time caring for children or family members, tending to your responsibilities, leisure time, or whatever else is on your plate, it can be easy to lose sight of the fundamentals of wellness in your day-to-day life. With remote and hybrid jobs on the rise it’s more important than ever to take control of you life in a way that allows you to accomplish all the things you need, while still having the capacity to take on everything else. Continue reading to discover how you can incorporate healthy wellness habits into your life and strike a work-life balance.

1. Step Back from Being #1

No one is capable of being number one in everything that they do, and that’s why learning to prioritize and balance the things in your life is so important. The pressure to be the best can take a toll, and recognizing when to go all-out, and when to take a step back, can save you from burnout in the long run. Spending energy perfecting things that are already good will leave you depleted when it’s time to work on the things that DO require extra effort.

3. Take Breaks

When you’re working on a particularly challenging project at work, or going through a serious matter in your personal life, it can be tempting to go full steam ahead. And while there are certainly instances that require hard work and perseverance, wearing yourself out in the process is only going to make the next challenge harder on yourself. If you have trouble taking breaks, or have time management issues in general, try timing your breaks, or even utilize a method such as the Pomodoro Technique to both hold yourself accountable and ensure you’re getting the rest time that you need.

 3. Have a Plan B (Or no plan at all!)

Not everything will go right the first time around, and to limit stress it’s absolutely essential to have a backup plan (or three) in place. Going into your day with a couple of workarounds for things like timing issues, communication problems, and general life stuff, will have your better prepared to tackle problems when they do arise. Even more important than having a plan B is to have the capability to go with the flow. While it’s not possible in every situation, understanding that things won’t always go your way and might require some flexibility is critical in managing all aspects of a busy life. To help with this, you can try incorporating things like meditation or mindfulness into your daily routine.

4. Get Enough Sleep

We’ve all heard this one time and time again, but there’s a reason for it – getting enough sleep is critical to striking balance in all areas of your life. Not only do you perform better when you’re well rested, you also have the capacity to do things like spend meaningful time with friends and family, focus on hobbies, and enjoy your leisure time without feeling exhausted. While it may be tempting to stay up late after a long night of work so you have a few hours to do the things you enjoy, it can actually be detrimental to your free time when you have to spend things like weekends and days off catching up on a lack of sleep or recovering from exhaustion. Instead, focus on finding a balance, and start paying attention to your body to know when it’s time to work, play, and rest.

5. Separate Work From Life

Especially during a time when so many of us are working remote or hybrid jobs, it’s critical to be able to switch off from work, and separate the two aspects of your life. A fixed work schedule may be the solution for some, or if that doesn’t work, you can try working longer days when you need to, and shorter days when you don’t. Another strategy to try is turning off work laptops or phones and not checking emails after a certain time. Or, if you prefer to tackle things as they come up, find a quiet place such as a home office to answer work emails and calls. Take a walk when it’s time for an after-hours call instead of answering it in your living room or bedroom. No matter how you strike the balance, the most important part is being able to separate your work from your life in a manageable way.

Did we miss anything? Join the conversation this month as we tackle health and wellness by sharing your best work-life balance tips with us on our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Posted by Emily Couves in Career Advice

Navigating a Multigenerational Workplace

For the first time in history, there are five generations interacting in the workplace. The workforce is now made up of employees from a combination of different milestone generations, each with different values, needs, motivators, career goals, and professional experience. And this is only the beginning – in the coming years, there could be up to six different generations working within organizations at one time, which is why learning to navigate and manage a multigenerational workforce now is so critical. With the median retirement age in Canada steadily increasing,  it’s inevitable that organizations will have to pivot to include the evolving priorities of newer generations while still accommodating older employees, and this shift won’t be easy. However, it’s important to remember that generational divide is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and there are steps that can be taken at all levels to ensure that you, your colleagues, and leaders are mutually benefitting and growing within this new generational environment.

What’s In a Year?

While it can be detrimental to categorize groups of people based on their generational group, there are certain elements and experiences that are universal to each generation.

Gen Z: Born between 1996 – 2014

  • Immersed in technology from birth, adapted to a technologically interconnected world
  • Experienced growing up with financial and social instability
  • Grew up during an economic downturn during major global events
  • High aptitude in digital communications

Millennials: Born between 1981 – 1996

  • Witnessed major technological advances within their lifetime
  • Experience finding work in difficult job markets
  • Witnessed wealth followed by economic downturn
  • Good balance of in-person and digital communication

Gen X: Born between 1965 – 1980

  • Experienced high divorce rates and disproportionately high single-family upbringings
  • Significant technological advancements during working years
  • Varied workplace experience and high adaptability
  • Combination of digital skills

Baby Boomers: Born between 1946 – 1964

  • Post-war upbringing
  • Not native to digital technology, but experience working throughout varied technological advancements
  • Experienced high job market accessibility
  • Tend to be less adept at utilizing digital technology

Traditionalists: Born between 1925 – 1945

  • Experienced the first wave of true technological innovation during their upbringing
  • Typically have limited experience with technology in the workplace


Industry Matters

Tech-centric environments are some of the most influenced by multiple generations of employees. It’s becoming increasingly necessary to hire younger employees to close the knowledge gap while still relying on older workers’ tenured experience, which can lead to conflict.

The methodologies in a technological environment are a huge contributor to this issue. While the fundamental career goals of many employees remain the same, including a need for financial security, desire for work-life balance, and overall commitment to their career, methodologies within a tech environment are one of the big differences seen when comparing older and younger generations. In general, rapidly changing technology influences the way that workers interact with each other, with certain environments facilitating a highly communicative and collaborative approach. This can exile older groups while leaving younger generations feeling unheard. Incorporating generational differences in training and mentoring can help, with an emphasis on understanding and integrating the preferred communication styles of all generations. Overall, the most important thing to remember is that the larger goals of the company should be the focus. A good strategy is identifying the areas of each generational group that can be of benefit to the bigger picture.


Lose the Labels

Generational stereotypes just aren’t accurate. It’s an oversimplification to box younger employees into a specific way of thinking and can lead to more division, and research shows that different generations tend to think that their older or younger counterparts have vastly different priorities than they actually do. When it comes down to it, it’s important for organizations to maintain a good idea of what all of their employees want, without making any assumptions. Anonymous company-wide surveys are a good way to monitor the success of different initiatives and gain an overall understanding of how your team is running from a cultural sense. In short, put in the time to find out what your workplace culture is and work together to build it as a team based on real metrics.


Meet People Where They Are

Every employee is going to have their own individual values within the workplace, no matter what age group or generation they’re a part of. The most important thing to remember is that generalizing an approach isn’t the most effective way to manage any team, and having a good understanding of your employees’ widespread goals is the best way to strategize your approach. Good corporate values, better communication, and the right amount of support are things that every employee can agree facilitate a positive working environment, and these are things that can be upheld by employees of any experience level or generational group. Focusing on the things that each person has in common is more productive than trying to generalize each specific concern, and creating an environment that supports good communication allows everyone to have a good understanding of workplace needs as a whole.


Moving Forward

Ready or not, the workplace is changing faster than many organizations can accommodate. On average, only 1 in 5 employers said that they felt “very confident” that their organizations were ready to manage the next generation of talent. To get ahead, prepare to leverage young talent to bridge the skills or culture gap that you might be experiencing. Hire based on skill, not experience, and remember that employer values can make or break a successful work environment. Keep on the pulse of the new generation while making room for your older, more experienced employees. Whether you’re an employer, employee, or brand new to the workforce, think about the things you can do to share your own knowledge with the people around you to build an inclusive and successful place of work, for the benefit of every generation.

Posted by Emily Couves in Best Practices, Career Advice

How to Successfully Manage a Career Transition

With employment rates rising as public health restrictions ease, many Canadians are feeling the itch to find a new career path as economic conditions improve. Of the workers planning to change careers in the coming months, many cite concerns about career advancement as their primary reason for leaving. Others say the pandemic has caused them to shift their focus and analyze their skillsets. But while moving into a new role can sound tempting, there is plenty to consider and prepare for when making this decision. Planning a career transition of your own? Read on to learn the best ways to prepare so that when opportunity strikes, you’re ready.

1. Ask Yourself What You (Really) Want

When you start considering looking for a new job, it’s a clear sign that you need to be checking in with yourself about your priorities and longer term direction. Consider asking yourself what your personal requirements are when it comes to pay, schedule flexibility, remote working options, and growth potential. This way, you’ll know ahead of time what you aren’t willing to compromise on, and it’ll make your decisions easier down the road.


2. Set a Timeline

Once you’ve fully committed to starting your career transition, it’s time to hold yourself accountable. It’s easy to decide to find a new job “one day”, but without an idea of how your job search will look, it can be hard to put your plan into action. Once you have a good idea of the types of roles you’re open to and the things you want out of your new job, it’s always a good idea to give yourself a timeline to complete all of the things necessary to make your move. Need to brush up on some skills? Set aside a month or two to take a refresher course. Planning to shop around before you accept a job offer? It’s good to have a date range in mind that you can give potential employers should an opportunity arise.

3. Build Your Network

It’s a great time to start leveraging your connections and finding new additions to your network – recruiting efforts are ramping up and hiring managers and recruiters alike are on the hunt for talented people to join their teams. If you were quiet on LinkedIn before, try becoming a little more active and engaging with content that interests you. Check out local networking opportunities, in-person or online. You might even consider taking a part-time course or online program in your industry to keep your skills sharp and your connections fresh.


4. Prepare for Change

Despite the most careful planning, changing your career path can be jarring. When you’re getting ready to move into a new role, it can be tempting to place the majority of your focus on your professional life. But major life changes require mental preparation, too – that’s why it’s always a good idea to take an inventory of how you’re feeling, the impact of a new career on your day-to-day routine, and the way that a new schedule or focus may impact the rest of your life. Take some time before starting a new role to get in a mindset that will prepare you for what’s to come and keep you on the right track.

Posted by Emily Couves in Career Advice

How to Make Your Job Search Work for You

When you’re looking for a job, it can feel like it’s all you have time to do. Between scrolling job boards, making calls, sending emails, preparing your resumes for dozens of applications, writing cover letters, interviewing….. the list goes on. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Keep reading to learn how to make your job search work for you (and not the other way around).

1. Generalize Your Resume

When you’re searching for specific roles, it may not make sense to pare your resume down to the basics. But it can be helpful – starting with a general resume featuring your skills, employment history, and profile will make it much easier to tailor it to your desired roles later on. All you’ll have to do is modify the details to fit the specifics of the job rather than starting from scratch every time.

2. Use Job Boards to Your Advantage

Once you have a resume that ticks all of the boxes, upload it to job sites like Monster or Indeed to let employers find you. Hiring managers often perform resume searches when they can’t find the right candidate, and having an up-to-date resume uploaded to popular job sites can be a huge advantage. This is especially true for passive job seekers – if you’re not on a time crunch, you can sit back and let potential employers find you.

3. Work with Recruiters

Recruiters and recruitment agencies can be huge assets to any job seeker, but they’re especially beneficial when you’re looking for someone to take the guesswork out of your job application. Recruiters can help you perfect your resume, brush up on the necessary technical skills you need to succeed, prepare for interviews, and present yourself to potential employers. Recruiters may find your profile through job boards or networking sites like LinkedIn, but a great first step is sending in an application to the agency (like ours! Reach us at In many cases, your profile will even be added to a database to be contacted for future relevant opportunities.

4. Set Up Job Alerts

Plenty of the most popular online job boards feature job alerts that you can tailor to your exact specifications. Sites like ZipRecruiter, LinkedIn, and Indeed can be set up to send alerts to your email every time a relevant opportunity becomes available. You can even get weekly updates with a list of roles you might be interested in. Setting up job alerts combined with your uploaded resume can make applying for a job as easy as checking your inbox.

5. Make the Right Connections

Most professionals are used to using sites like LinkedIn to network with like-minded people in their industry. But it can be worth it to make connections on other social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram. Letting a broader network of people (even your friends, family, and old colleagues) know that you’re on the hunt for new opportunities will open up plenty of new potential leads. Take a moment to send a few messages and emails letting others know that you’re on the market and make new professional connections.


Do you have any other tips and tricks that you use in your job search? Let us know in the comments below to be featured in future articles!

Posted by Emily Couves in Career Advice, 0 comments

Best Websites for Job Hunters (And Who Should Use Them)

There’s no shortage of websites that claim to help job seekers in their search for employment. From local career pages to multinational job boards, you can spend a lot of time preparing resumes, messaging hiring managers, and taking skills assessment tests in the pursuit of a new work opportunity. But are all of these sites really worth the time? Keep reading to learn about our favorite online job boards, and how you can utilize them to their fullest potential in your job search.

1. LinkedIn

BEST FOR: Networking and working with recruiters

Launched in 2003, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform. This multifunctional site is host to an entire suite of tools that can be helpful at any stage of your career, and virtually every user will benefit from creating a profile, setting up notifications for relevant opportunities, and interacting with like-minded people in their networks. However, LinkedIn is truly second-to-none for established, specialized professionals actively looking to advance their career in their respective industries.

There are a huge variety of open roles on LinkedIn, but the ones you’ll see most often are mid-to-senior level positions in marketing, information technology, HR, engineering, and administration. You can certainly benefit from applying to jobs on LinkedIn through open opportunities, but another great way to learn everything this site has to offer is by flexing your networking skills. Making connections (similar to sending a friend request on Facebook), posting updates on your page, and interacting with local recruiters and hiring managers can be extremely beneficial for advancing your career and learning about new opportunities. Another huge benefit that LinkedIn provides is how popular it is for recruiters – simply having an active profile with your resume information is a great way to attract recruiters to your profile and receive info about active jobs directly to your inbox.

No matter how you use it, utilizing LinkedIn and its features to the fullest potential will reward you with consistent opportunities for growth, plenty of new career prospects, and an amazing network of industry professionals.


2. Indeed

BEST FOR: Active job seekers with specific job requirements

With LinkedIn coming in at the top as the world’ largest professional networking platform, Indeed is in close competition as the world’s largest job website. Featuring 250 million monthly users and 10 new jobs being added per second, it’s no question that this site is a job seeker’s paradise.

Indeed features opportunities in every sector and industry, and works best for active job seekers with a great resume and employable skills. From part-time service industry jobs to opportunities for high-level corporate executives and everything in between, Indeed truly offers the greatest overall experience for those looking to make their job search faster and easier than ever. It’s intuitive interface allows for a streamlined process that will get you hired, and using this platform, you’ll be able to compare salaries, learn about different benefits, and tailor your job search to fit the exact opportunity you’re looking for.


4. Monster

BEST FOR: Active job seekers looking for an easy application process

Monster is the job site that started it all in 1994, and functions similarly to Indeed in that its services are free, easy to navigate, and offer many of the same functionalities. If you’re already using Indeed, it’s worth it to give Monster a try, too – it’s a great overall service that features a huge range of jobs in a variety of industries.


4. Company Career Pages

BEST FOR: Passive job seekers, or anyone hoping to work for a specific company

Company career pages tend to be looked at as the underdog in many a job search – but this doesn’t have to be the case.

You can find career pages on nearly every company site, and while this process can take slightly longer than uploading your resume to sites like Monster and Indeed, the payoff can be huge. One helpful hint is to double check the posting date that many sites will feature – this way, you’ll be able to tell how active the posting is and if it’s worth your time to apply. However, even if a posting is getting dated, you can be assured that your profile will likely be added ton a database that can provide opportunities for months and years to come. Check out Stellar Recruitment’s job board here.


5. Craigslist

BEST FOR: Contract or gig work, opportunities with local companies

Craigslist is an incredible tool for job seekers, and functions the most like a traditional job advertisement. Featuring gig work, full time opportunities, freelance work for those in a creative field, contract work, and manual labour, Craigslist allows job seekers to send emails directly to the poster, and offers such a huge variety of opportunities that it’s worth it for anyone in the midst of a job search to check out.


Posted by Emily Couves in Career Advice, 0 comments

Top Tips for Crafting the Perfect IT Resume

When you’re in the midst of a job hunt, it can be easy to overlook one of the simplest elements of your profile – your resume. Read on to discover our top tips to make your IT resume stand out to any employer.

1. Strategize the Structure

Structure and format are two of the most important elements to consider when creating a resume that’s eye-catching and easy to read. Although the content will make your resume shine, structuring your information properly will help your qualifications stand out to any hiring manager. A brief summary of your career history is always great to include at the top, and organizing the rest of your resume for relevance is a simple next step. For example, if your career history is more significant than your education level, you should highlight your work-related accomplishments before getting into detail about your schooling, and vice versa.

2. Pay Attention to Length

IT and other highly technical resumes can sometimes go over the standard 2-page limit, which is okay in most cases – just don’t go overboard. When your work history is extensive, it’s best to be brief when describing employment that doesn’t directly relate to your new desired position, or if it was long enough ago that it’s no longer relevant, omit it entirely. Try to be brief in your descriptors and edit out unnecessary anecdotes. Stick to the basics – a summary, your skillset, your education, and relevant accomplishments and achievements.

3. Highlight Accomplishments Over Tasks

While we’re on the topic of accomplishments and achievements, it’s important to note that this information will be of more value to a hiring manager than simply listing off your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. As with most technical positions, you’ll be working with a suite of tools and technologies that should be detailed elsewhere in your resume, and as long as your future employer knows that you’re well-versed in the requirements for the role you’ve applied for, the mundanities of your daily tasks aren’t necessary. Focus instead on highlighting the large-scale achievements you made that were of tangible value to your former workplace. This shows that you can go above and beyond and really demonstrates what you’re capable of.

4. Emphasize Skills

As when highlighting your accomplishments, your skills and abilities should be another focus of your resume that you really take the time to flesh out and describe in detail. You could feature these in a list form, or include a description of the skills and tools required by each of your former positions. No matter how you choose to incorporate this element, it can be one of the most important aspects of your resume, so it’s worth an extra look to make sure you’re showing off what sets you apart.

5. Remove Unnecessary Information

An eye for detail is crucial when determining what to leave out of your resume, and these decisions can affect how successful your resume reads to a hiring manager. Consider removing elements that may not be relevant or necessary, such as personal interests, or a photo of yourself. These elements can be distracting and aren’t always needed. However, it’s good to remember the types of roles you’re applying for – if the position calls for someone personable who will be a great culture fit for the organization, it may be beneficial to describe some of your interests outside of work.

6. Avoid Abbreviations

It can be tempting to speak in highly technical jargon or abbreviate technical terms, but try to minimize this when putting together your information. It’s better to write clearly, using layman’s terms and avoiding abbreviation when you can. This will improve the flow of your resume for readers, and will make hiring decisions easier for managers who may not have all the same technical knowledge as you.

7. Keep it Up to Date

Lots of IT professionals have a considerable history in their field. This is obviously a big benefit, but it can also lead to pages and pages of unnecessary information. If your work history dates back prior to 2000, or you have lists of odd jobs that aren’t relevant to the opportunities you currently seek, it’s worth considering either condensing them into a brief section or eliminating them all together. You may also want to remove or shorten any sections detailing technologies that are no longer relevant. A lengthy work history sounds great, but when it’s no longer applicable to the current technology market, it can add unnecessary bulk to an otherwise successful resume.

8. Edit, Edit, Edit

A final edit for grammar, flow, punctuation, and other easily overlooked elements can be one of the most important things you do before sending in your profile. Basic, easy-to-fix errors show a lack of care and attention to detail, and those will read as big negative indicators to a potential employer. Make sure to go over your resume, or have a friend read it, to ensure that there aren’t any simple mistakes. You can also use spelling and grammar checking tools such as Grammerly to optimize your writing style.

Posted by Emily Couves in Career Advice

10 Things to Do to Set Your LinkedIn Profile Up for Success

As far as social media goes, LinkedIn is one of the most important tools for career-minded individuals. Whether you’re an employer, job seeker, or any industry professional, LinkedIn can be a great resource to leverage your connections and build a network of like-minded individuals.

1. Choose the Right Profile Picture

Your profile picture will be the first thing a potential employer or connection sees, and gives a face to your name and skillset. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but your profile picture should look professional and up-to-date, and should reflect the type of role you’re seeking.

2. …. And Background Photo

A great background photo will be interesting, eye-catching, and should represent your personal brand. Consider choosing something that shows who you are and makes you stand out.

3. Perfect Your Summary

The “summary” section is arguably the most important and overlooked aspect of a LinkedIn profile. Your summary will tell your story to anyone who comes across your profile, and should be relatively detailed and a little more personal than just a list of skills or accolades. Take the opportunity to write about your experiences, give some context to your examples career history, or show off your personality. Still stuck? Check out some great of LinkedIn summaries here.

4. Show, Don’t Tell

A list of your skills and technologies works, but it won’t make you stand out to future employers. A great way to really draw attention to your profile is by displaying demonstrated experience and giving examples of times that you were successful while employing certain skills. This gives context to your skillset and shows that you have the achievements to back up your experience.

5. Grow Your Network

Keeping an up-to-date network of relevant industry professionals is an easy way to stay in the loop about potential opportunities, from networking events to open roles to speaking opportunities. Remaining engaged within your industry puts your name out there, gives you plenty of talking points, and helps keep your skills sharp while you’re in the midst of your job search and beyond.

6. Manage Your Endorsements

Endorsements are a great way to give some substance to your profile and skills. Having relevant endorsements gives you credibility and demonstrates that you’d make a valuable addition to a future employer’s team. However, it’s also important to remember to keep endorsements relevant – make sure you’re reaching out to people who’s endorsements really matter, and endorsing skills that will help you in your job search. You can always tailor your endorsements to the type of role you’re on the market for by using LinkedIn’s edit features to choose what to show and what to hide.

7. Take a Skills Assessment

Skills assessments can do wonders for the overall success of your profile, and data direct from LinkedIn shows that job seekers with verified skills are up to 30% more likely to be hired for the roles they apply to.

8. Share Relevant Content

Sharing interesting articles, videos, photos, and other content is a great way to keep up your activity and drive traffic to your page. This will let you retain meaningful connections and interact with your network on a regular basis. Keep an eye out for content that fits your personal brand and interests, and share content that you find reflects your point of view.

9. Stay Engaged

Commenting and reacting to others’ content might seem unimportant, but it’s a fantastic way to establish your opinion, show what you care about, and put your name out there to potential employers. Remember to keep your comments professional, polite, and remember that you’re representing yourself to hiring managers and others in your industry.

10. Follow Industry Pros

A great way to find interesting, relevant content is to follow well-known influencers and professionals in your industry. This will help you find content to share, keep up-to-date with industry trends, and demonstrates your interests and passions to anyone browsing your profile.


Are you on the hunt for a new opportunity? Stellar can help. Visit us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn to connect, or get in touch at

Posted by Emily Couves in Best Practices, Career Advice

Top Skills for Remote Work

It’s official – the “new normal” is in full effect, from the way you shop for groceries to the way you search for a job. Learning to navigate a remote job market can be difficult, but there are certain skills that you can leverage to land the job of your dreams, even from a distance.

1. Organization

Organizational skills are key for performing effectively when working from home. Strong organizational abilities are transferable from working in an office to working from a home office – or kitchen table, or bedroom, or backyard. Being able to independently organize your projects and duties from home will show your employer that you’re capable of workplace independence when you’re unable to be directly supervised.

2. Time Management

Time management is one of the most important skills you can have in remote work. When your supervisor can’t directly check in as often as in a physical office, being able to manage your own time is critical to your success.

3. Technical Skills

No matter what role you’re looking for, brushing up on your technical skills can only help. Making sure that you’re able to perform all job requirements with little outside support is crucial. Consider taking courses, reading up on any aspects of your work that you may be rusty in, and performing a self-assessment to ensure that you’re at your best before you start your job search – try

4. Communication

Communicating remotely can be a challenge – that’s why your verbal and written communication is so important in a work-from-home environment. What could have been communicated in face-to-face conversation is now coming from emails, video calls, chat meetings, and other less traditional means. This makes strong, transferable communication skills a must.

5. Self Motivation

Self-motivation is a valuable skill not only for your potential employer, but also for yourself. Staying motivated, optimistic, and self-directed benefits every aspect of your work, and in turn makes you a standout candidate for hiring managers and employers.

Are you on the hunt for a new opportunity? Stellar can help. Visit us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn to connect, or get in touch at

Posted by Emily Couves in About Recruitment, Career Advice