Remote Work

Top Skills for Remote Work

It’s official – the “new normal” is in full effect, from the way you shop for groceries to the way you search for a job. Learning to navigate a remote job market can be difficult, but there are certain skills that you can leverage to land the job of your dreams, even from a distance.

1. Organization

Organizational skills are key for performing effectively when working from home. Strong organizational abilities are transferable from working in an office to working from a home office – or kitchen table, or bedroom, or backyard. Being able to independently organize your projects and duties from home will show your employer that you’re capable of workplace independence when you’re unable to be directly supervised.

2. Time Management

Time management is one of the most important skills you can have in remote work. When your supervisor can’t directly check in as often as in a physical office, being able to manage your own time is critical to your success.

3. Technical Skills

No matter what role you’re looking for, brushing up on your technical skills can only help. Making sure that you’re able to perform all job requirements with little outside support is crucial. Consider taking courses, reading up on any aspects of your work that you may be rusty in, and performing a self-assessment to ensure that you’re at your best before you start your job search – try

4. Communication

Communicating remotely can be a challenge – that’s why your verbal and written communication is so important in a work-from-home environment. What could have been communicated in face-to-face conversation is now coming from emails, video calls, chat meetings, and other less traditional means. This makes strong, transferable communication skills a must.

5. Self Motivation

Self-motivation is a valuable skill not only for your potential employer, but also for yourself. Staying motivated, optimistic, and self-directed benefits every aspect of your work, and in turn makes you a standout candidate for hiring managers and employers.

Are you on the hunt for a new opportunity? Stellar can help. Visit us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn to connect, or get in touch at

Posted by Emily Couves in About Recruitment, Career Advice

6 Tips for Interviewing Remotely

Interviewing remotely can be a challenge. It’s relatively easy to put your best foot forward when you have the opportunity to meet with a hiring manager face to face, but video interviewing opens up the opportunity for a number of potential problems, and it can be tough to know how to approach the process.

With an increase of remote hiring practices taking place, especially considering the sudden influx of employees and companies conducting business from home, we’ve compiled these 5 tips for acing your video interview.

1. Get Prepared

Just because you’re interviewing from the comfort of your own home, it doesn’t give you the opportunity to skip past the preparation process. Just like any other interview, it’s important to brush up on your knowledge of the company you’re interviewing with and prepare a list of questions to ask the hiring manager.

2. Clean Up Your Space

Make sure the space you’ll be interviewing from is clean, tidy, and professional looking. You also may want to consider removing any items from the background of your video to ensure the interviewer’s full attention is on you. Setting up your space in front of a blank wall with plenty of natural light is always a great idea. If natural light isn’t possible, make sure you’re in a well-lit environment.

3. Focus on the Camera

It’s easy to get distracted when you’re not interviewing face to face. Make sure you’re spending the majority of your time focusing on camera, and not looking down at your notes or paying attention to how you appear in the webcam window.

4. Minimize Distractions

When you’re preparing to interview from home, make sure there’s minimal background activity that may distract you from the task at hand. If you have pets, consider removing them from the room. Ensure your family is aware that you’ll need a quiet space to yourself, and be sure to turn your phone volume off and close out any additional browser windows while the interview is taking place.

5. Stay Confident

Interviewing remotely can be just as, if not more, nerve-wracking than interviewing in person. It’s important to remember to relax, take a deep breath, and make sure that you’re speaking slowly, clearly, and confidently.

6. Dress to Impress 

Interviewing from home isn’t an excuse to wear sweatpants – make sure you dress the part, even if your interviewer can only see your face. Dressing appropriately for an interview, no matter where you are, can help you project confidence and professionalism into your delivery, and helps put you in a great mindset to ace your interview.

Are you participating in more remote interviews in recent weeks? Do you have any tips for job searching during the Covid-19 outbreak? Make sure you stay connected with us on social media to keep up on remote job search tips, information about working from home, and more!

Posted by Emily Couves in Best Practices, Career Advice