About Recruitment

The Power of References in Recruitment

What kind of references are your potential future employers looking for? Let’s unfold the secret!

When trying to land a new job, you will go through interviews, technical tests, and other ways to ensure that the information in your resume is accurate. This is important for companies as they want to make sure you’ll succeed in your potential role, and a job is more enjoyable and fulfilling when your skillset matches your job responsibilities. As part of this process, you will go through a reference check. Your recruiter wants to learn what it’s like working with you, as well as get to know you better. It’s important to remember that even if you’ve passed the interviews and technical tests, a bad reference check can change everything.

Here are some tips when choosing your references:

1. Include direct supervisors or direct managers

Including your former direct manager or supervisor is essential for us to get a clear picture of your ability to manage workloads and meet deadlines. Including a supervisor or manager who worked with you once or for a short period could affect your reference check.  Their knowledge of your skills is based on a single interaction. This affects the depth of their answers. In contrast, a direct manager has seen you grow, adapt, and accomplish goals. That’s exactly what your employer want to hear about!

2. A minimum of 2 references

There is no magic number for how many references you need. Depending on the company, having at least 2 references is a must. Two of them should be supervisors or managers and the other ones can be colleagues or project teammates, depending on the requirements for the role you’ve applied for.

3. Let your references know that are going to be using them

Make sure your references are aware of what position you are applying for, when to expect a call, and who might be calling them. Ensure they give details that are relevant to the job you are applying for.  If your reference does not pick up the call after a couple of tries, it might look bad for you as a candidate.

4. Include your most recent references

Recent references are those within 5 to 7 years. References should be relevant to the area that you are applying for. What if you have a good reference that is 10 years old? It depends. References should be from your most recent place(s) of employment. If you have been working for the same company for 5 years, then including a 10-year-old reference would add some diversity to your reference package if it’s from a different company. It’s important to remember to be careful, however, when including current employment references. If they are aware and comfortable with you looking for another job, then it might be safe to do so. Otherwise, you can consider including a manager or team lead that used to work there.

5. Adding other references that are not direct supervisors/managers

If you have already included direct supervisors/ managers and still need one more reference, you can still have a strong set of references. Your recruiter also wants to know what is like working with you, and what your colleagues think about you. You can include indirect managers, project managers, key clients, a senior colleague, or a team lead. Though these should not be your top references, they are still a great option.


Did we miss anything on our list? Let us know! Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Posted by Diana Macias Cholac in About Recruitment

Top Skills for Remote Work

It’s official – the “new normal” is in full effect, from the way you shop for groceries to the way you search for a job. Learning to navigate a remote job market can be difficult, but there are certain skills that you can leverage to land the job of your dreams, even from a distance.

1. Organization

Organizational skills are key for performing effectively when working from home. Strong organizational abilities are transferable from working in an office to working from a home office – or kitchen table, or bedroom, or backyard. Being able to independently organize your projects and duties from home will show your employer that you’re capable of workplace independence when you’re unable to be directly supervised.

2. Time Management

Time management is one of the most important skills you can have in remote work. When your supervisor can’t directly check in as often as in a physical office, being able to manage your own time is critical to your success.

3. Technical Skills

No matter what role you’re looking for, brushing up on your technical skills can only help. Making sure that you’re able to perform all job requirements with little outside support is crucial. Consider taking courses, reading up on any aspects of your work that you may be rusty in, and performing a self-assessment to ensure that you’re at your best before you start your job search – try

4. Communication

Communicating remotely can be a challenge – that’s why your verbal and written communication is so important in a work-from-home environment. What could have been communicated in face-to-face conversation is now coming from emails, video calls, chat meetings, and other less traditional means. This makes strong, transferable communication skills a must.

5. Self Motivation

Self-motivation is a valuable skill not only for your potential employer, but also for yourself. Staying motivated, optimistic, and self-directed benefits every aspect of your work, and in turn makes you a standout candidate for hiring managers and employers.

Are you on the hunt for a new opportunity? Stellar can help. Visit us on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn to connect, or get in touch at info@stellar-recruitment.com

Posted by Emily Couves in About Recruitment, Career Advice

Top 5 Reasons to Work with an Agency Recruiter

1. They Can Answer Questions You’re Too Afraid to Ask

We’ve all been there – you have a job interview coming up that you’re trying to prepare for, but you have no idea what to expect. What are the most important things to know about the company? What are the hiring managers like? What questions should you ask? What should you wear?

Working with a recruiter allows you to have an insider’s point of view into the hiring process. Your recruiter has likely prepared candidates for interviews with your desired company dozens of times, which allows them to know the ins and outs of that specific interview process. So if you’ve ever had a question that you’re just too afraid to ask during an interview, ask your recruiter – you might be surprised at what you can learn to set yourself up for success.

2. They Want You to Succeed

Unlike applying directly to a company and working with their HR team throughout the hiring process, working with an agency recruiter ensures their full attention is on you, allowing you to put your best foot forward. Recruiters also benefit from you getting hired, and they’ll do whatever they can to help you win the role of your dreams.

As long as you want the job, your recruiter wants you to get the job, and they’ll do everything in their power to make it happen.

3. You’ll Gain Access to Unlisted Job Opportunities

Job hunting can get pretty tiresome when you’re seeing the same roles for the same companies posted on every job board across the internet. This is a major benefit to seeking out a recruitment agency. Due to client confidentiality, your recruiter may have access to dozens of jobs that aren’t advertised to the general public, and often for highly specialized positions. Take care to select an agency that recruits for roles in your field, and you’ll have a selection of highly desired open jobs that you won’t be able to find anywhere else.

4. You’ll Have Job Hunting Resources at Your Disposal

Do you want to learn almost every job search trick in the book? An agency recruiter is your best bet. They’ll know the ins and outs of the job market, have insider knowledge about current trends in your industry, and have the ability to link you up with top notch resources to help simplify your job search and make the process as streamlined as possible.

Your recruiter will be able to help you with resume formatting and optimization, interview tips, market trends, and everything in between. If your ultimate goal is to land the best job you can get, working with a recruiter is the way to do it.

5. They’re With You All the Way

Whether you’re a first-time contractor, long-term permanent employee searching for a new opportunity, or the most seasoned consultant out there, starting a new role can be daunting. This is where your recruiter can play a huge part in your overall success at a new company. They’ll act as a liaison for you to celebrate your victories, voice your concerns, and share your thoughts about how your job is going, even in the weeks and months following your original placement. Your relationship with your recruiter can be one that develops throughout the course of your professional career, and it’s hugely beneficial great to have someone in your corner throughout the ups and downs of your job search.

 For information about working with a Stellar recruiter, visit our I’m Job Hunting page to learn more, or send us an email at info@stellar-recruitment.com.

Posted by Emily Couves in About Recruitment